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Meet Our CEO

Joseph McCauley 


I grew up in Huddersfield and I’ve always have a very strong background in sport which has made me very competitive and very determined to win at everything I do. I had a number or part time jobs while at uni which included retail and bar work. I went on to opening a franchise selling pies and it became very successful. There wasn’t much progression in that and I always wanted more so I looked for a career change. After I got involved in marketing in Leeds I had the opportunity to part of a large expansion from Leeds to Leicester which entailed opening up my own company, Motion One International. 

What motivates me 

From a young age I’ve always wanted to be successful in any career path I’ve taken. My goal is to provide the greatest services possible to our clients and create longjevity so they can achieve their goals. Furthermore, we aim to provide world class training to the team to create long term business partners for long term careers. 


What do you think makes a successful entrepreneur 

''Entrepreneur definition: Being a successful entrepreneur means more than starting new ventures every other day. It means the right attitude towards a business and the determination and grit to achieve success.''


A successful entrepreneur has a strong inner drive that helps him or her to succeed - “If you want something you've never had you have to do something you've never done” - Thomas Jeffrey. This quote really resonates with myself as I’ve had no experience prior to sales but I knew if I put the work in there is no reason why I wouldn’t be successful . An entrepreneur should be excited by the prospect of work. They should always have a strong drive to succeed and overcome obstacles. They should not only set big goals for themselves but also see that they are actually committed to achieving them regardless of the countless setbacks that occur.

Books i recommend

The 21 laws of leadership, Mindset growth, Laws of discipline 

“If you want something youve never had you have to do something youve never done” - Thomas Jeffrey.

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